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Written by Nicole McKenzie on June 18, 2024

Perfect Pattern Weights

Pattern weights save time and energy when cutting out patterns and can also add a splash of colour to your sewing space! A great tool, a thoughtful gift, and the perfect scrap-buster, these pattern weights can be made in a morning so you can spend the afternoon cutting out your next masterpiece!

Notes before you begin:

  • These weights are quickest to make as a batch, but you may wish to make one weight first to ensure you are confident in the process and happy with the result before making a batch.
  • These instructions make eight pattern weights, but you can adjust to make more or less, as desired. These instructions are for small heavy pattern weights (5x5cm) but you can adapt this method to make larger weights also.

Machine Requirements:

  1. PFAFF sewing machine
  2. PFAFF Universal Sewing Machine Needles
  3. General Sewing Equipment


  1. 16 square washers – 5x5cm, 5mm deep
  2. Cotton fabric – 10cm of 145cm wide fabric or 18cm of 110cm wide fabric
  3. 84cm Ribbon, 1.5cm wide
  4. Thread to match fabric
  5. Hand sewing needle

Sewing Instructions:


1.Cut 16 fabric squares (8x8cm) using your washers as weights. This is quicker if you fold your fabric in half and cut six squares in the double layer of fabric.

2.Cut ribbon into eight 10.5cm lengths.

2 1
3 1

3.Pin ribbon to the middle of a square, vertically, with the right side of the fabric and the right side of the ribbon facing up. Repeat on eight squares

4.Sew ribbons in place using a 6mm seam allowance


5.Pin a square with ribbon to a square without ribbon, right sides together. Repeat for all squares.

6.Sew around three sides of square, leaving a side without ribbon open. You may want to slightly curve the corners when sewing for a smoother end result.


7.Trim corners and, if you like, trim seam allowance to 6mm

8.Turn right side out.


9.Insert two washers into each cover.

10.Fold opening closed like you would a present, enclosing all raw edges. Pin closed.


11.Hand sew opening closed using a ladder stitch.

Congratulations on finishing your project!!!

We can’t wait to see what you create! Don’t forget to share them with us on Instagram, tagging @pfaffsewingaus and using the hashtags #pfaffsewingaustralia #pfaffsewing #perfectionstartshere or our Facebook page Pfaff Australia

Article written by Nicole McKenzie
Nicole McKenzie is a sewist and writer based in Adelaide, Australia. Nicole has been sewing her own garments for over a decade and especially loves to make fancy frocks. Her proudest make so far is her stunning wedding dress, made from layers of silk and colourful floral embroidered tulle. Nicole combines her passions by writing about sewing for Peppermint Magazine and PFAFF. You can read Nicole's top tips on the PFAFF blog and see more of Nicole's creations on her Instagram @NikoletaSews

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